Cora Fund

Friday, April 26, 2013

Outside Adventures, Halter-free and Nap Time

Last night we had a success and fail. Cora hasn't been wearing a halter because it causes her pain when it touches her stump. I thought I'd try again, and last night I put it on her. Major success. She didn't complain at all. This is a huge victory, because she has always complained about having her halter on. In fact, in the past she did more than complain, she actively resisted. Teaching her words like "halter on" and rewarding her a lot is helping. She went outside and things were going well until it was time to come in. She hasn't yet mastered coming back to the house so I tried to lead her back in by holding the halter. This is our usual technique. However, she started crying immediately in obvious pain so the halter came off. I can guide her without the halter, but it's slower and I can't support her if she stumbles.

However, the pain meds are definitely helping Cora feel somewhat better. Cora spent a couple hours exploring the yard today. I felt guilty leaving her out so long, but when I tried to bring her in, by leash not halter, she put on the breaks. She is stubborn. With the halter I can "coax" her a long fairly easily, but I can't pull her forward on the leash. Besides being a bad approach, it would jerk her forward onto her stump. It took much coaxing, prodding, nudging, pleading, muttering and determination but Cora is finally inside and trying to settle into a nap.

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