Cora Fund

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Cora Inspires Me

When I brought Cora home in the middle of January she could barely walk. When she did walk she only went in small, stumbling circles. She fell down constantly. She didn't play, wag her tail or even hold her tail up. She had troubles finding the food in her bowl or even taking food off my hand. It wasn't just that she couldn't see, it was that she had problems with the basic coordination of eating. She spent a lot of time frustrated or afraid. She had temper-tantrums and it wasn't always clear what set her off. She hated to be held and didn't seem interested in having a relationship with me.So many thing seemed to overwhelm her.

It has been amazing sharing this journey with her. Never has a tail wag meant so much to me, as it did the first time she wagged at the sound of my voice. Most of the dogs I've shared my life with me, would push against me wanting to be patted and cuddled. Cora mostly doesn't but when she walks up and leans against me it's a moment I cherish. I was excited the first time she panted, just a few weeks ago, because it was another skill gained. Her finding a bone on the floor and settling down to chew on it, is a victory I cheer.

Today is the second day I've come home from work and taken Cora for a walk. Such a normal dog activity and so amazingly wonderful. Not only did we walk, at times, Cora ran. Our walks are short in distance. There are frequent stops. Some are typical puppy attention span stops. Other stops are because she's stumbled or retreated into circling. But then we get moving again and that's why we are on this journey. Cora has such a strong spirit, and I am both in awe and inspired.

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